From our blog

You will not regret it.

By Caro on July 26, 2024

Following what God says, especially in ​​relationships, can be difficult and even frustrating when we see that unbelieving couples date each other without restraint. But don’t give up: you will be happy that you have kept your standards.

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The danger of being perfect

By Caro on July 12, 2024

Always striving for excellence is a great thing. But demanding perfection in all things is not only hard on our mental health, but it can also break or abort a romantic relationship.

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Capricious hearts

By Pastor Beaudry on July 5, 2024

Because we are human and our flesh does not like to be disciplined, we can sometimes become lax, slowing down our progress in faith. The important thing is not to wait until it is too late to return to Christ.

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Live alone, okay. Isolate yourself, no!

By Caro on June 21, 2024

Before, to be a hermit, you had to live in a wooden cabin and be self-sufficient. Today, with technology and home deliveries, we can go several days without any physical contact. But that’s not really what God wants.

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